- Html5
- Css
- Sass
- Javascript
- Typescript
- React
- Redux
- Svelte
- Next
- Node
- AntDesign
- Material UI
- Git
- Cypress
- Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Npm
- Yarn
- Storybook
- Vite
- Webpack
- Extentions
- Docker
- Es6
- Express.js
- Firebase
- MongoDb
- Nest
- Sql
- Bash
- Jquery
- Figma
I am
I wrote my first "Hello World" in 2013 and started off as a self-taught coder. I am now a
full- fledged Frontend developer since 2019. I improve my knowledge and skills continually
and learn new, modern technologies - like GraphQL, SSR, Testing, NoSQL, Typescript etc. for
creating amazing, performant web applications. When I don't write code or read books, I play
the accordion and write technical articles on Medium. If you want to contact and get faster
response then use Messenger below.
I am on
shared a video to the group: Frontend Developers - Azerbaijan
shared a video to the group: Frontend Developers - Azerbaijan
shared a video to the group: Frontend Developers - Azerbaijan
shared a video to the group: Frontend Developers - Azerbaijan